

My Snake Got Bit By A Rat

November 17, 2020


Snake Attacked by Rat or Mouse

If you feed live rodents to your snake, chances are your snake has been bitten or will be bitten some day. There are ways to lower the risk of a rat bite, but the only way to 100% prevent your snake from being bitten is to feed already dead prey. Although this is encouraged, it is not always ideal or possible for every situation. Some snakes, particularly ball pythons, will refuse to eat frozen thawed mice and rats. If you feed live prey, it is important to be prepared so you know what to do if your snake does get bitten. 


Treating A Rat Bite On A Snake

If bitten by a mouse or rat, it is essential to look your snake over to see how serious the wound is. If the bite is a surface wound, only a scale deep, you should wash with antibacterial soap and water, then apply a small amount of povidone iodine ointment. Monitor the would over the next few days to see if it shows any signs of infection. It should heal up fine, and within a few sheds the scar should disappear completely. If the wound is more than a few scales deep you should contact a vet to see what they would recommend as the best form of treatment.



How Do I Prevent A Rat From Biting My Snake?

As previously stated, the only way to 100% prevent a rat bite is to feed pre killed prey. That being said, there are ways to lower the risk of injury to your snake. Always closely observe feedings. If the snake seems uninterested take the rat out and try to feed at a different time, don’t leave the rat in the tub with your snake. Have a pair of feeding tongs ready as well, if the rat goes to bite your snake, you can put the tongs into the rat's mouth. Tongs are also good for holding down the rats legs if it is trying to scratch your snake. If you don’t have tongs you can use the eraser end of a pencil, or a metal straw.




Can A Rat Kill A Snake?

If left unattended, a rat can severely injure or kill a snake. This is why it is so important to watch every interaction and to NEVER leave a rat or mouse in your snake's enclosure. You should be feeding your snake in a separate tub within a foot of where you are so you can intervene if necessary.